So Long, Farewell Miss Polly…Hello Make with Mum!

I have to admit, I LOVE getting post.  Even if it’s just a letter, I love to rip it open and see what’s inside. So you can just imagine how I am when I receive parcels! I am like a kid at Christmas. But last week I receive a parcel that I was both excited and sad to receive. Excited because I knew it contained some amazing products which I couldn’t wait to use, but sad because it would be the last parcel of these products I would ever receive! The reason – the lovely Polly from Miss Polly Natural Skincare has decided to stop making her amazing and natural skincare range.

I saw on Facebook a few weeks ago a message from Polly which announced that she was closing down Miss Polly after 4 years in business. This instantly made me sad as not only was Miss Polly my first very natural product, but they also started me on my journey to going green with my beauty and skincare choices and her range quickly became my favourite natural brand.


She announced that her skincare products would go on sale so I quickly snapped up a few last items.  The only mistake I made was purchasing a product I haven’t bought before – her Lavender & Rosewood Intensive Hand Care.  The mistake being that the hand cream is so good, that its going to be hard to replace it when it finally finishes! In the package was also a lovely note from Polly to thank me for my order and support – now that is good customer service.

Lovely note from Miss Polly herself

Lovely note from Miss Polly herself

But wait there is some good news! I saw on Facebook the other day that her lip balms are kind of staying!  She launched a Make your Own Lip Balm Kit early this year which I reviewed and loved, so I was very very happy to hear that I would still be able to buy this.  I just need to work my way through my Miss Polly Lip Balm haul now.

Make with Mum

Make with Mum

The other good new is she has started a new venture  – Make with Mum which focuses on quality craft kits to be enjoyed by children and adults alike for fun family time.

I would just like to wish Polly all the luck in the world for her new venture and let her know her products will be missed but I’m excited to see what else she has to offer.

Annmarie xx