Liebster Award

liebsterSo the lovely Annie over at Hello Purple Clouds very kindly nominate me for the Libester Award, for those of you that don’t know what this is (which I didn’t until Annie highlighted it to me) it is given to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers and aims to spread  the word about new bloggers/blogs (like little newbie me!)

So according to my friend Annie the rules of the award are pretty simple: display the Liebster Award logo on your blog; answer 11 questions chose by the person who nominated you, tag 5 – 11 other blogs with less than 200 followers to receive the award and come up with 11 questions for them to answer; thank and link back to the person who nominated you.

These were the questions I was asked by Annie with my answers:

1. If I could buy you a ticket to see any band/singer in the world who would you choose?
Ellie Goulding – love her music just now

2. Any guilty celeb crushes i.e. people you fancy but are a bit ashamed to admit it?
James Corden, there’s something about his cheeky smile

3. Do you have a Holy Grail beauty product?
Eye-liner! I could leave the house with no make-up on as long as I had my eye-liner

4. Do you have a go-to beauty brand?
Right now its Barbara Daly range from Tesco, best products I have found so far that are light enough for my skin tone

5. If you had the power, what one thing would you change to make the world a greener place?
I would get rid of plastic bags! The Americans have it right with their brown paper bags!

6. Whose beauty/fashion style do you admire?
I kind of march to my own beat when it comes to fashion, but I do love vintage styles

7. What’s the best book you have ever read?
Pride & Prejudice! Love it, read it about 100 times since I was 13.

8. Werewolves or vampires?
Oh werewolves all the way – I was always on team Jacob!

9. If there is one piece of advice you wish you could give your teenage self, what would it be?
Don’t worry in 15 years time you will love your red hair so stop dying it!

10. What would be your dream job?
Writer of mystery/romance books, letting my imagination run wild and free

11. Do you have a favourite food?
Bernard Mathews Mini Keivs!

Thanks so much Annie for nominating me, had fun answering your questions.  So in turn, as the rules state I would like to nominate some lovely lady bloggers of my own whose blogs I enjoy reading and approx 200 followers:

Liz from Well Meaning Being

Leanne from Lass and Lipstick

Debi from Dib-Dab-Debs

Carrie from What I Love Today

My Eczema Tales

If you have already been nominate, just take this as I compliment that I like your blog 🙂

And here are my 11 questions to my nominated bloggers:
1. If you could visit anywhere in the world where would you go?
2. If you could choose would you be a fairy or an angel?
3. What’s your favourite chocolate bar?
4. What one word best describes you?
5. What one make up product could you not live without?
6. What do you think is the best modern invention of our times? Ipad, iphone, blogs???
7. What’s your favourite piece of clothing?
8. Which Disney Princess did you most relate to as a kid?
9. What’s your favourite flower
10. What’s your idea of a perfect wedding?
11. Would you rather be rich or beautiful?

Looking forward to reading your answers and seeing who you nominate

Thanks, Annmarie xx

My 14 Firsts of 2014

So the first month of January is nearly over!  Wow where did it go?  Well as we all know it’s a New Year tradition to make and usually break resolutions in January!  I’m a big believer in resolutions but only if they are simple, manageable and make some difference to you.  So this year I kept mine simple – to drink more water, to be bold and brave and wear red lipstick, to detox for the first time, to start my blog and to explore the amazing world of natural & organic beauty more.

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My Top 10 Best Detox Moments

detox productsI’ve wrote about my post detox musings in more detail in the A.Vogel Main Blog so if you want to find out more about my journey check out my post – The Reflections of a Detox Newbie.

However since I have also been talking about my detox journey in my own blog I thought I should write a little something to finalise it here too and I could think of no better way to end it than to share some of my best detox moments!

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Detox – the good, the bad and the ugly!

Well today I am now officially halfway through my detox and so far its going pretty well.  I have learned so much about healthy eating with the detox opening my eyes to so many more healthier options and although my detox is only for 14 days, I know I wont be giving up the healthy habits I’ve picked up!  The tagline for A.Vogel’s detox is New Year, New You and I really am starting to feel that!  I’m feeling more energetic than I have in a long while and the sluggish, tired, greedy girl from December seems to be disappearing fast.

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