Home is where the heart is…

home_is_where_the_heart_is_300This week has been rather emotional as I helped my parents pack up 25 years and say goodbye to my childhood home. Sure I haven’t lived there now in over a decade, but it didn’t make locking the door on that happy home any easier. After days of packing, lifting and moving you would have thought we would have been glad to see the back of it, but as my mum and myself locked up for the last time, the both of us walked away with tears in our eyes.

We moved into the house when I was just 7 years old and boy was it a great house to grow up in. Its garden backed onto fields, which as a child I explored every inch and had lots adventures with my brother and friends and climbed many a tree (from which I have many a scar). I never hesitate at saying I had a great childhood. True we had problems like many families (broken home, money worries, loss of family members etc.) but when I think back to my time in that house I can only think of the good times. From a young girl the house saw me grow into a woman, from my first Barbie doll to my first love and then onto being my haven after my first big heartbreak. It also saw my journey from primary and secondary school, onto college and university and finally it welcomed me home after a long week at work.

The move hasn’t been all sad. As they say move onto bigger and better things, well in my parent’s case it’s actually smaller and better – a 2 bed new build with a back door which is easy for my elderly dog to get in and out more. I was worried about how our wee dog Cassie would manage the move but she seems to have settled well and loves her garden, it’s going to be pretty hard to get her to come in this summer! I did get my mum and dad some Jan de Vries Animal Emergency Essence – a Bach flower remedy for pets for Cassie and they added it to her water for a week before the move and will continue to use it for a few weeks until things had fully settled down. Whether this has help or she is just happy not to have to climb stairs several times a day I’m not sure – am just happy she is happy.


The one thing I did love though was the crazy stuff my parents found, especially when clearing out the loft. Not only was there a mammoth amount of Bunty & Mandy annuals (who else used to get one every year?) but there was so many teddies and the best find of all was a big box full of my old Nancy Drew books. I used to really want to be a police woman and was convinced I would be a great detective like Nancy (pity about my lack of height). I may even give a few of them a read before I pack them away again in my own loft (I don’t have the heart to give them away, took me too long to collect them).

So as they say, home is where the heart is (which I truly believe), and although we have closed the door on my childhood home, wherever my parents live I know I am always welcomed and loved there and I can always call it home, so here’s to many years ahead of creating more great memories in their new home.

Anyone else had to say goodbye to a childhood home? Or have you done a big clear out and found something you forgot all about? I would love to hear about it.

Annmarie xx

The Furry Friend Tag

I saw this tag done by the lovely Debi over at Dib-Dab-Debs and I just had to do it too.  I just love the concept of showing off my furry friend.  My wee old dog Cassie has been one of my best friends and a big part of our family so it seemed fitting that she gets a wee post done on her.  So without further ado let me introduce you to Cassie…

My Cassie girl

My Cassie girl

1. What is her name?

Cassie (but I usually call her my Cassie girl) or see that dog! (What my mum calls her when she is being a pain)

2. When did you get Cassie?

10th January 2003 – but it feels like she has been a part of our family forever. Although she is my dog, she lives with my parents now and even though I only live 1 town away I really miss her if I don’t see her for a few days.

3. What is something Cassie does that annoys you?

She is getting old now and her new habit is to follow you about wherever you go – even if it’s to the toilet. When staying recently at my parents if I went for a shower I had to leave the door open and she would lie in the bathroom until I was finished.

4. What type of breed is Cassie?

We call her a Heinz! She is a wee mongrel. You can see she has the markings of a Doberman but the body of a collie and who knows what else!

Cassie looking all cute

Cassie looking all cute and innocent

5. Has Cassie ever had a near death experience?

Yes and it was so horrible.  A few years ago she had problems with her liver. She wouldn’t eat, went jaundice in colour and was fading away. The vet told us she had a very small chance of surviving it but she is a strong wee thing and eventually came through it.

6. Does Cassie know any tricks?

She used to be able to tell when my car came into the street but her hearing isn’t what it used to be. She also loves her routine and everyone in the house has to abide by it. When I lived at home if I wasn’t in my bed for 10 o’clock at night she would come sit in front of me and give me ‘The Look’ and wouldn’t stop until I gave in and went to bed! Her new routine now though is to get up at 5am with my dad for work, that’s fine during the week but she doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of weekends or holidays!

7. Does Cassie love to snuggle?

Oh yes, she looooooves cuddles. She especially loves it when you are wearing black and even though she is dark haired for some reason white hairs go everywhere! But it’s a small price to pay for some snuggle time with my girl.

8. Where did you get Cassie?

Cassie was a rescue dog which my cousin got from a rescue centre in Stirling when she was about 1 years old. My cousin and wife decided to move abroad to work and didn’t want to send her back to the rescue centre.  Luckily my mum and dad had fallen in love with her when visiting my cousin, so decided as a surprise, to give her to me for my 21st birthday.  They knew I really wanted a dog and I would only get a recue one, so it was perfect.  My cousin brought her on the day of my 21st birthday party – not the best idea in hindsight since I kept sneaking home (party was only 2 minutes away from house) to be with Cassie.

Walkies with Cassie

Walkies with Cassie

9. Does Cassie get along with other dogs?

Sometimes. As a rescue dog she has always been a mild and timid wee thing and other dogs often spook her, especially small dogs for some reason.  She used to be a great walker (but her wee old legs can’t walk far now) and when walking my dad and her would met other dogs. She was ok with ones she was familiar with, but would cower if any approached her that she didn’t know. Oh and she REALLY doesn’t like cats!

10. Does Cassie get along with strangers?

Yes she is a very friendly dog and likes getting attention.

11. How much does Cassie weigh?

No idea! She has always been a tubby dog but as she is getting older she is losing her body fat. We call her the pampered pooch as she get way to many treats!

12. Do you ever dress Cassie up?

No my dad would never allow me too! Even though I would have loved too!

Cassie looooooves going runs in my car

Cassie looooooves going runs in my car

13. Has Cassie ever tried to run away?

She used to be quiet bad for running away when we first got her if she heard loud bangs and got startled but we would always find her or she would always make her way home. I think she knew even then that she had found a good home and wasn’t going to let it go!

14. How did you come up with Cassie name?

It was the name she came with and since she was about 3 years old at the time we didn’t want to change it. Plus we always thought she suited the name.

15. How much does she mean to you on a scale of 1-10?

I couldn’t put a number on it; she means the world to me.  She is such a part of our family.  It’s so hard to see her getting so old and I know in my heart she hasn’t a lot of time left so every day I get to spend with her is precious and very cuddle cherished.

Do you have a pet? Why not do this TAG and share their story too!

Annmarie x